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Our Programs
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JXN Recycling is a recycling program aimed to bring recycling back to our Capitol City one stream at a time. Through the collaborated effort we look to expand and improve recycling citywide.  

The Eco Ambassadors Program is a hands-on, action-based environmental stewardship program that fosters a new breed of environmental stewards for the future of our Planet while encouraging environmental careers. The program will strengthen and increase partnerships by providing youth and communities with the tools to implement and produce creative and innovative solutions that affects our natural and built environment.


The Adopt-A-Spot program allows businesses, neighborhoods and civic groups to be active participants in helping to maintain the natural beauty of Jackson's public spaces.  By adopting a spot, volunteers commit to performing monthly litter collection and recycling in their adopted area for a one year.

The Jackson Community Garden Initiative has a mission to influence a healthy, vibrant, and educated urban gardening community built on a robust diverse economy that is rooted in sustainable and ecological sound practices of production, distribution, and consumption.

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Keep Jackson Beautiful Month is every April and a way for all Jacksonians to be on one accord to help keep their communities beautiful. KJB Month gives us a chance to take care of our environment by showing we take pride in our City while celebrating Earth Month.

The Great American Cleanup is the largest annual community improvement program that gives organized groups a variety of ways to create a cleaner, safer, more beautiful environment. The Great American Cleanup is built on a foundation of individual responsibility, civic pride and the power of partnerships to cleanup, green-up, fix-up, beautify, and recycle.

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510 George Street, Suite 402
Jackson, MS 39202
Phone: 601.602.7422

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